Imagine your life -- told as a musical.

Here's the 30 second trailer from our first project, the musical short film The Secret Song of Walter Bitty, the story of a little man with big dreams, written and produced by Larry Daggett and starring Matthew Tiberi as Walter, Elana Safar as Marlene, Larry Daggett as Mr. Bigbottom, and Barron B. Bass, C. Hope Belmont, Chad Anthony Miller and Rose Pedone as Office Workers. If you would like to contribute to this or future projects please visit this page:

Here's another clip from The Secret Song of Walter Bitty, written and produced by Larry Daggett, and starring Matthew Tiberi as Walter, Larry Daggett as Mr. Bigbottom, and C. Hope Belmont, Rose Pedone and Elana Safar as Office Workers.

Here's another clip from The Secret Song of Walter Bitty, with Matt Tiberi as Walter, Elana Safar as Marlene, plus our outstanding ensemble: Barron B. Bass, C. Hope Belmont, Chad Anthony Miller and Rose Pedone as Office Workers.